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domingo, 16. julho 2023 11:20 o'clock
Match Date: domingo, 16. julho 2023
Game time: 11:20 o'clock

Black Hocks Statistics Masters
20,76% Chances 79,25%
7 Current rank 1
6 Games 6
1/1/4 W/D/L (Total) 5/1/0
0/0/3 W/D/L (Home) 3/0/0
1/1/1 W/D/L (Away) 2/1/0
4 Points 16
14 : 22 Goals 28 : 9
-8 Difference 19
---- Highest home victory Masters - 20 Comer 100 Saberes 8:0
Black Hocks - Masters 0:5 Highest home defeat ----
20 Comer 100 Saberes - Black Hocks 2:5 Highest away win Black Hocks - Masters 0:5
Sem Coordenadas - Black Hocks 5:2 Highest loss away ----

Black Hocks - Masters

Data from Black Hocks

League Games Won Draw Lost Score for Score against
3x3 Algarve 2023 1 0 0 1 0 5
League Home wins Home draw Home defeats Away wins Away draws Away defeats
3x3 Algarve 2023 0 1 0 0 0 0

Overview of the games by result and number

Goals Frequency
0-5 1
5-0 0
Goals Frequency
0-5 1
Goals Frequency
0-5 0

3x3 Algarve 2023
6 domingo, 16. julho 2023 11:20 Black Hocks Black Hocks - Masters Masters 0 - 5
1 sábado, 15. julho 2023 10:40 Sem Coordenadas Sem Coordenadas - Masters Masters 3 - 4
2 sábado, 15. julho 2023 11:40 Masters Masters - 20 Comer 100 Saberes 20 Comer 100 Saberes 8 - 0
3 sábado, 15. julho 2023 15:00 Masters Masters - Marrafados Marrafados 5 - 3
4 sábado, 15. julho 2023 15:40 Al Beer Al Beer - Masters Masters 2 - 2
5 sábado, 15. julho 2023 16:40 Masters Masters - No Name No Name 4 - 1

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